Zeh Intro

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August 28, 2010

Pop Pico!

An Orange named [♥]Breezy[♥] made a blog called Pop Pico! So if I put a blog on here, GO TO IT!!! Because if I do, it's probably REALLY awesome! Oooh good idea! Also go to this too Awesome Pico made by ♥Hayley♥! Lol your already here if your reading this! Zinnyways go to those links and add those people!


♥Hayley♥ who is also an Orange


  1. The Orange named [♥]Breezy[♥] thanks you very much! C:

  2. Oh that's a mistake, okay readers? Call her Fizzyyyy instead!

  3. Fizzyyyy thought that, for the few seconds that she was typing that comment, it was opposite day. She means, "Yay! Thank you Hayley for correcting my super horrible mistake!".
