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September 19, 2010

I Like Cheese NOT Mosquitoes

Itchy Itchy Itchy ITCHY!!! URGH MY LEG IS ITCHY!!! IZ ALL YOUZ FAULT *points at mosquito somewhere*!!! AND YOU!!! YOU PRINTER!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU PROTECT ME FROM THE MOSQUITO??? I'm soooo thirsty! I WANT MILK!!! BREAKFAST DOESN'T TASTE GOOD WITHOUT YOU!!! Too bad we ran out D:. Sadyness. OMG LOOK!!! Ha ha made you look :D. You thought it was a mosquito didn't you? Ants iz ok unless there iz like 7683538465 of them. If there iz just 1, ME SQUISH. If iz on my arm, ME KILL. If on the wall, ME WALK AWAY!!! Me don't really care about youz ant on zeh wall! Wait, what were we talking about again? Oh yeah... the kangaroo outside mah window. Zeh kangaroo iz jumping up and down. WHAZ IT TRYING TO TELL ME??? Oh yeah. Iz telling me I should eat a muffin. Okeez, but it better not be poisonous! Nah, YES, Nah, YES, I SAID NO!!! No you said, "Nah". RANDOM DANCE TIME!!! Done. You had fun? I did :D. Oh yeah back to the title. I like cheese. NOW IZ DONE!!! Whaz iz done? The printer! Oh... OH YEAH!!!


♥Hayley♥ who iz random

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