Zeh Intro

If this is your first time going here, start reading the awesomeness from the first post first and then read up. Don't know how? Just scroll down a lot, but not to the bottom, until you see Older Posts. Then keep scrolling and clicking until you can't do it anymore. Or do it the easy way and click on zat -> July (16).

March 2, 2011

Heh Last Post?

Lol okay so I know I haven't been posting in a while :P. Here's just a few things you might need to know.
Not going on Pico unless I feel like it or someone asks me to do it *cough cough* MAGIC IN SLIVEN *cough cough*
New game that I'm playing Feel Free To Join :D?
New blog Awesome Hayley. Already like 6 posts XD. Don't have to read it if you don't want to :P.
Oh yeah and no more gift links from me.

The End! Everyone lived happily ever after. Maybe.