Zeh Intro

If this is your first time going here, start reading the awesomeness from the first post first and then read up. Don't know how? Just scroll down a lot, but not to the bottom, until you see Older Posts. Then keep scrolling and clicking until you can't do it anymore. Or do it the easy way and click on zat -> July (16).

January 28, 2011

New Blog :P?

I'm thinking I should make a new blog. That's not any game related. IF I do what should it be called? LolWhazzapPeople.blogspot.com? YoISeeYou.blogspot.com? Or maybe JellyFountain.blogspot.com? LOL JK I'm not gonna do those, but maybe XD?


Hayley ♥ Yum who you know, loves yum

January 15, 2011

Moo. Just Moo.

Lollz soz for not posting in a long-ish whileness. Didn't know what to post and was busy. Oh and this post will not have anything to do with the title. Or will it...? Oh well :D! Ringling tingling tingling too... (Britney says that they aren't right. Song - Sleigh Ride). Zinnyways, I might quit Pico. MIGHT. I'll still go on, but if they don't do anything that's interesting (Like making new places and games) I'll probably quit. I can't even get Gold no matter how many videos I watch and offers I do. I found a temporary game though. Even though I'll probably quit in that one in like, 4 or 5 months or maybe not. So yeahz, moo.


Hayley ♥ Yum who will post when I quit and stuff :P

P.S. Moo.

January 4, 2011

Donut Giftios!

The first few gift links are linkbuck thingies. I actually made them by uh like, hand or something XD. I didn't copy them from another gift link blog thingy thingy. When the thingy at the top says to Skip This Ad, click it. It looks like this.

I don't know if they work so don't blame me :P.

41.  58.  75.  92. 
42.  59.  76.  93. 
43.  60.  77.  94. 
44.  61.  78.  95. 
45.  62.  79.  96. 
46.  63.  80.  97. 
47.  64.  81.  98. 
1.  11.  21.  31.  48.  65.  82.  99. 
2.  12.  22.  32.  49.  66.  83.  100. 
3.  13.  23.  33.  50.  67.  84. 
4.  14.  24.  34.  51.  68.  85. 
5.  15.  25.  35.  52.  69.  86. 
6.  16.  26.  36.  53.  70.  87. 
7.  17.  27.  37.  54.  71.  88. 
8.  18.  28.  38.  55.  72.  89. 
9.  19.  29.  39.  56.  73.  90. 
10.  20.  30.  40.  57.  74.  91. 

Lollz random circleness XD.


Hayley ♥ Yum who is about to go to school so I'll finish it later :P

January 3, 2011

School Is Starting D:

Tomorrow my winter break ends and I'll have to go back to school so I won't go on and post as much (Not that I do that much anyway :P). Britney also has a science fair project thingy thing to do and it's just making me like nervous for some reason. Even though I don't do science fairs anymore. I just HATE doing science fair projects. Especially PRESENTING them (I don't like talking in front of people remember?) and all of mine that I ever did was never good enough to go to the cafeteria to get judged to go to the finals or something.

3rd Grade - About oil and water mixing together or not. I already knew the answer.
4th Grade - About which plant grew the fastest. It was during winter when I planted them.
5th Grade - About an ice cube melting in water or air faster. Just wasn't good enough I guess :P.

My 4th grade one was the worst. Ugh bad memories. Lol once I went to the principal's office for "biting" someone. That was in 1st grade though :P. Someone was tickling my neck and I just pushed their hand away with my head and my teeth went NOWHERE near them. You know what I did in the principal's office? I ATE LUNCH. Lollz XD. Oh and I finished all my homework... I think.


Hayley ♥ Yum who went to the principal's office for NOTHING XD