Britney says "She's random and really weird (in a good way). She makes up these really crazy, random, weird songs and most of them we actually sing alot! Examples: I Do Not Like It When The Sky Is Blue, Sunshine Singing, I Love Kiki, I Like to SINGSINGSINGSINGSING!, etc. She isn't very gullible (-_-) and yeah. That's it. (Hayley said, "Basic summary of her: She's awesome.") Oh! And sometimes she can be reaaaally bossy. But she understands how I feel about annoying people (example: TOM). XD Except for Tracy. So yeah.
Triney says - *Written by Hayley - Triney wants me to* Hayley say I am stupid and threw a fake mirror at me. *Five minutes later* You are really, really, really, good! I love Hayley!
Kiki - *Written by Hayley - Kiki can't type* Hayley iz the only one who feeds meh because nobody else iz awesome enough to feed meh D:. I love it when Britney and Hayley take me on walks. I always try to run away when they are trying to walk me though. Once Hayley got sick because she was running after me when I ran away on a hot day and she had to carry me on the long way home.
Molly - *Maybe copied from her blog* THANK YOU SO MUCH HAYLEY! YOU ARE ZEH AWESOMEST!! Thanks for giving me food when I needed it, and always reading my blog and looking at my comments! YOU DESERVE ALL OF THE AWESOME COMMENTS YOU GET! Video chatting with you has been the greatest, especially when I heard the violin and saw how cute Kiki was :P Funny, awesomerific!,boing.
Tracy - *Typed by meh - Too lazy to do it :P* You not jealous of me. You no brag. You awesome. You funny. You good person. You not evil except a little bit. Like *Makes chopping motions* KATYA!!!
Cindy - *Typed by meh - Types too slow* You are smart and have short hair (Oh ok?). You can fight with Britney a lot. A lot. I also think you like colors a lot and awesome.
If you want to say something about me, send me a letter or something and I'll probably put it on here.