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September 14, 2010

Annoyed, Sad, or Angry?

Sozzy I haven't been posting in like, 234723 years! I had stupid homework and bars to complete and stuff. On weekends, I'm just too lazy or bored too post. Also, it's Pinkerton's birthday today! SO GIVE HIM PIE (Me too maybe?)!!! Unless somehow he's allergic to pie. WHICH WOULD BE REALLY BAD BECAUSE PIE IS AWESOME AND IT TASTES GOOD!!! Zinnyways, mah puppy is (Look at the title) and she's perfectly happy (Look at picture)! I feed her when she says she's hungry and take on walks and stuff, but she's still like that. So WHAT SHOULD I DO???


♥Hayley♥ who LOVES pie

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes pups just like worrying you, don't they? xD
    All I can say is to keep petting her, and take her to visit friends. It's really nothing to worry about.
