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September 27, 2010

Need... *gasp* COLORS!!!

Why can't I post colors! I NEED COLORS!!! ME NEED YOUZ!!! COOOOLORS!!!
Conversation with Blogger
Blogger - Well too bad!


Blogger - Fine you can have BORING BLACK.


Blogger - That's it. Ran out. We are too UN-awesome too put more colors.

Meh - Yeah you are, but I still don't have COLORS!!! People who read this will be like, "Zis blog iz boring. No awesome color!".

Blogger - Well too bad. You'll just have to live with no readers then.

So that's my sort-of not really conversation with Blogger. Good thing they didn't change my colorful posts earlier to BLACK. Bad thing is, they made the colors wrong. Like for example - I wrote PIE IS AWESOME in purple and MEH LIKE PIE in pink. Blogger changes to PIE IS AWESOME in pink and MEH LIKE PIE in purple! See? D: Sadyness. Lol that reminds me of this PowerPuff Girls thingy I used to watch when I was little. Watch this and you'll get it The PowerPuff Thingy. Oh yeah the PowerPuff People Something (The singers) beat up the clown because the clown made the world gray.


♥Hayley♥ who wants color

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