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November 19, 2010

Lol I Think I'm Always Bored

Guess what? Lol I'm bored again. Oh and these gifts are from other people.

1. Flying Hippos
2. Lollipop Hats
3. Fat Pencils
4. Shiny Phones
5. Little Goats
6. Stinky Lights
7. Meowing Hats
8. Kitty Papers
9. Cow Staplers
10. Blue Boxes
11. Rolling Cheese
12. Milk Shoes
13. Green Walls
14. Bumpy Umbrellas
15. White Dots
16. Round Doors
17. Jumping Dogs
18. Flat Cookies
19. Yummy Printers
20. Fluffy Handles


Hayley ♥ Yum who likes yummy gum (Not printers)

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