Zeh Intro

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December 19, 2010


Fizzyyyy's translation of Japanese to English.
Baka - Idiot
Atashi-something (Or in MY version Washee wa) - (I forgot)
Desu - I am

My weird sentence in Japanese!
Baka washee wa dah big desu dishes! LOL Isn't it AWESOME (No...)? I feel so smart now XD. Lol no just kidding. Spicy Cheetos O.o. Lol zinnyways... MY STAPLER IS BROKEN!!! Wait no that's Britney's. Or Triney's? Oh well not mine! Oh by the way, the pot luck thingy was boring. Pot luck thingy is where you do nothing except eat and drink... at a boring Vietnamese school (I think). Who needs to know what the bottom of the tree and to deal cards means? Oh me has idea!

Vietnamese sentence!
Ba ăn gốc cây và chia bài.

English Translation
My dad eats the bottom of a tree and deals cards.

Lol yeah that doesn't really make sense XD.


Hayley ♥ Yum who didn't use Google Translate thingy


  1. Desu is not "I am".
    "Watashi wa" is "I am" and "Atashi wa" is a feminine version of that. :)
    Desu is put at the end of sentences to sound politer.

  2. LOL You told me wrong then XD.

  3. No, I told you that "Watashi wa" was "I am". xD
