Zeh Intro

If this is your first time going here, start reading the awesomeness from the first post first and then read up. Don't know how? Just scroll down a lot, but not to the bottom, until you see Older Posts. Then keep scrolling and clicking until you can't do it anymore. Or do it the easy way and click on zat -> July (16).

December 28, 2010


Remember the people from Pico Days? Well they made a awesome new blog. It's called Picorazzi. They would probably really like it if you followed it (Yeah probably :P). Lol and make sure to read The Beautiful Mystery post. It's really funny (To me) XD. Clicky on picture to see it bigger!


Hayley ♥ Yum who is bored cause nobody is posting right now :P


  1. I totally think you should check that blog out, I've heard it's awesome. (:
